R for NFL analysis

As part of the NFL’s technology conference held last week, I presented to club staffers various approaches on how R could be used to explore NFL data. Here’s a slightly abridged version. This specific audience featured both novice and expert R users. Given that a semester’s long course would be needed to truly cover the breadth of how R could help explore football, note that this particular document is more an overview than anything else. Finally, most of the code is not meant to be run from an outsiders’ perspective, and instead uses a few internal databases. I’m sharing publicly in case it spurs any ideas for analysis or visualization.

Summary of session

  1. Tidyverse and NFL analytics

  2. Sample visualizations using ggplot2

  3. Big Data Bowl insight

Tidyverse and NFL analytics


Favorite packages to use for manipulation, tidying, data viz, analysis

  1. tidyverse : Data manipulation and graphing
  2. lubridate : Handling dates
  3. ggbeeswarm : Fun plots
  4. ggridges : Fun plots
  5. gganimate : Fun animations
  6. tidyr : Tidy data (wide to long/long to wide)
  7. nflscrapr : Public win probabilities and expected points
  8. caret : Machine learning tools
  9. lme4 : Statistical modeling
  10. teamcolors: Team specific hex codes

Reading in data

df_games <- read_csv("prodb/dbo.Game.csv")
df_plays <- read_csv("prodb/dbo.VideoDirectorReport.csv")

Joining data sets

Online cheat-sheet: https://stat545.com/bit001_dplyr-cheatsheet.html





Data manipulation using the tidyverse

Online cheat-sheet: https://www.rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/data-wrangling-cheatsheet.pdf

Key commands:

  1. select()

  2. head()

  3. tail()

  4. filter()

df_plays_keep <- df_plays %>% 
  filter(HomeTeamFile == 1) %>% 
  select(GameKey, HomeClubCode, VisitorClubCode, Quarter, 
        PossessionTeam, PlayNullifiedByPenalty, 
        SpecialTeamsPlayType, PlayResult, Down, Distance, PlayDescription)
df_games <- df_games %>% select(GameKey, Season, Season_Type, Week, LeagueType)

df_plays_keep <- df_plays_keep %>% left_join(df_games, by = c("GameKey" = "GameKey"))
df_plays_keep %>% head()
## # A tibble: 6 x 15
##   GameKey HomeClubCode VisitorClubCode Quarter PossessionTeam
##     <int> <chr>        <chr>             <int> <chr>         
## 1     745 TEN          PIT                   2 TEN           
## 2     745 TEN          PIT                   2 TEN           
## 3     745 TEN          PIT                   4 PIT           
## 4     745 TEN          PIT                   4 PIT           
## 5     745 TEN          PIT                   4 PIT           
## 6     745 TEN          PIT                   4 PIT           
## # … with 10 more variables: PlayNullifiedByPenalty <chr>,
## #   SpecialTeamsPlayType <chr>, PlayResult <int>, Down <int>,
## #   Distance <int>, PlayDescription <chr>, Season <int>,
## #   Season_Type <chr>, Week <int>, LeagueType <chr>
df_plays_keep %>% tail()
## # A tibble: 6 x 15
##   GameKey HomeClubCode VisitorClubCode Quarter PossessionTeam
##     <int> <chr>        <chr>             <int> <chr>         
## 1   57464 NE           BUF                   3 BUF           
## 2   57469 SF           JAX                   2 JAX           
## 3   57466 NYJ          LAC                   1 LAC           
## 4   57462 CIN          DET                   4 DET           
## 5   57442 IND          DEN                   4 DEN           
## 6   57467 TEN          LA                    4 LA            
## # … with 10 more variables: PlayNullifiedByPenalty <chr>,
## #   SpecialTeamsPlayType <chr>, PlayResult <int>, Down <int>,
## #   Distance <int>, PlayDescription <chr>, Season <int>,
## #   Season_Type <chr>, Week <int>, LeagueType <chr>
  1. More filter(): Categorical variables
df_plays_keep %>% 
  filter(Down == 4, Quarter == 1, Distance == 12, 
         PlayNullifiedByPenalty == "N", SpecialTeamsPlayType == "NULL") 
## # A tibble: 4 x 15
##   GameKey HomeClubCode VisitorClubCode Quarter PossessionTeam
##     <int> <chr>        <chr>             <int> <chr>         
## 1   26558 NE           BUF                   1 BUF           
## 2   29406 CLV          BUF                   1 BUF           
## 3   54993 CIN          NO                    1 CIN           
## 4   29772 GB           DET                   1 GB            
## # … with 10 more variables: PlayNullifiedByPenalty <chr>,
## #   SpecialTeamsPlayType <chr>, PlayResult <int>, Down <int>,
## #   Distance <int>, PlayDescription <chr>, Season <int>,
## #   Season_Type <chr>, Week <int>, LeagueType <chr>
df_plays_keep <- df_plays_keep  %>% 
  filter(Season_Type == "Reg", Season >= 2005, Season <= 2018, LeagueType == "NFL")

What data set did we create?

  1. arrange()
df_plays_keep %>% 
  filter(PossessionTeam == "MIN", Season == 2018) %>% 
  arrange(-PlayResult) %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 x 15
##   GameKey HomeClubCode VisitorClubCode Quarter PossessionTeam
##     <int> <chr>        <chr>             <int> <chr>         
## 1   57812 MIN          CHI                   2 MIN           
## 2   57586 GB           MIN                   4 MIN           
## 3   57607 MIN          BUF                   2 MIN           
## 4   57694 MIN          DET                   2 MIN           
## 5   57640 PHI          MIN                   3 MIN           
## 6   57668 NYJ          MIN                   3 MIN           
## # … with 10 more variables: PlayNullifiedByPenalty <chr>,
## #   SpecialTeamsPlayType <chr>, PlayResult <int>, Down <int>,
## #   Distance <int>, PlayDescription <chr>, Season <int>,
## #   Season_Type <chr>, Week <int>, LeagueType <chr>

What plays are these??

  1. mutate()
df_plays_keep <- df_plays_keep %>% 
  mutate(is_first_down = PlayResult >= Distance, 
         scrimmage_play = SpecialTeamsPlayType == "NULL")

df_plays_keep %>% 
  filter(PossessionTeam == "MIN", Season == 2018, Down == 4, scrimmage_play, Quarter == 1) 
## # A tibble: 4 x 17
##   GameKey HomeClubCode VisitorClubCode Quarter PossessionTeam
##     <int> <chr>        <chr>             <int> <chr>         
## 1   57694 MIN          DET                   1 MIN           
## 2   57686 MIN          NO                    1 MIN           
## 3   57741 MIN          GB                    1 MIN           
## 4   57651 MIN          ARZ                   1 MIN           
## # … with 12 more variables: PlayNullifiedByPenalty <chr>,
## #   SpecialTeamsPlayType <chr>, PlayResult <int>, Down <int>,
## #   Distance <int>, PlayDescription <chr>, Season <int>,
## #   Season_Type <chr>, Week <int>, LeagueType <chr>, is_first_down <lgl>,
## #   scrimmage_play <lgl>

What do these four plays represent?

  1. group_by()

  2. summarize()

df_plays_keep %>% 
  filter(scrimmage_play, Season == 2018) %>% 
  group_by(PossessionTeam) %>% 
  summarise(ave_yds_gained = mean(PlayResult)) %>% 
  arrange(-ave_yds_gained) %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   PossessionTeam ave_yds_gained
##   <chr>                   <dbl>
## 1 KC                       6.25
## 2 LA                       6.04
## 3 ATL                      5.78
## 4 PIT                      5.76
## 5 TB                       5.70
## 6 LAC                      5.67

Identify the leaderboard above:

df_plays_keep %>% 
  filter(scrimmage_play) %>% 
  group_by(PossessionTeam, Season) %>% 
  summarise(ave_yds_gained = mean(PlayResult)) %>% 
  arrange(-ave_yds_gained) %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## # Groups:   PossessionTeam [6]
##   PossessionTeam Season ave_yds_gained
##   <chr>           <int>          <dbl>
## 1 ATL              2016           6.29
## 2 NO               2011           6.26
## 3 KC               2018           6.25
## 4 GB               2011           6.08
## 5 LA               2018           6.04
## 6 ARZ              2015           5.96

Identify the leaderboard above:

df_plays_keep %>% 
  filter(scrimmage_play) %>% 
  group_by(PossessionTeam, Season) %>% 
  summarise(ave_yds_gained = mean(PlayResult)) %>% 
  arrange(-ave_yds_gained) %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## # Groups:   PossessionTeam [5]
##   PossessionTeam Season ave_yds_gained
##   <chr>           <int>          <dbl>
## 1 HST              2005           3.81
## 2 CIN              2008           3.80
## 3 ARZ              2012           3.74
## 4 SF               2005           3.61
## 5 SF               2007           3.59
## 6 OAK              2006           3.50

Identify the leaderboard above:

Data visualization

Sample Q1: How often do teams go for it on 4th-short in each season?

fourth_down_rates <- df_plays_keep %>% 
  filter(Down == 4, Distance <= 2) %>% 
  group_by(PossessionTeam, Season) %>% 
  summarise(go_forit_rate = mean(scrimmage_play), 
            n_chances = n())

fourth_down_rates %>% 
  arrange(-go_forit_rate) %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
## # Groups:   PossessionTeam [6]
##   PossessionTeam Season go_forit_rate n_chances
##   <chr>           <int>         <dbl>     <int>
## 1 JAX              2013         0.692        26
## 2 BUF              2018         0.688        16
## 3 NE               2007         0.682        22
## 4 CLV              2017         0.667        15
## 5 MIN              2018         0.654        26
## 6 BLT              2018         0.65         20
fourth_down_rates %>% 
  arrange(go_forit_rate) %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
## # Groups:   PossessionTeam [6]
##   PossessionTeam Season go_forit_rate n_chances
##   <chr>           <int>         <dbl>     <int>
## 1 BUF              2012        0.05          20
## 2 CIN              2007        0.0526        19
## 3 SL               2015        0.0588        17
## 4 CAR              2006        0.0714        28
## 5 ATL              2012        0.0938        32
## 6 MIN              2005        0.1           30
fourth_down_rates %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Season, y = go_forit_rate, fill = go_forit_rate)) + 
  geom_quasirandom(pch = 21, size = 3) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_c("",  guide = FALSE) + 
  theme_classic(15) +  
  scale_x_continuous(labels = 2005:2018, breaks = 2005:2018) + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) + 
  labs(title = "Go-for-it rate, 4th-1 or 4th-2", y = "", x = "")

Sample Q2: What’s going on on the punt play?

df_punts_keep <- df_plays %>% 
  filter(HomeTeamFile == 1, SpecialTeamsPlayType == "Punt"|SpecialTeamsPlayType == "Punt Return") %>% 
  select(GameKey, HomeClubCode, VisitorClubCode, Quarter, KickoffResult,
        PossessionTeam, PlayNullifiedByPenalty, 
        SpecialTeamsPlayType, PlayResult, Down, Distance, PlayDescription)

df_punts_keep <- df_punts_keep %>% left_join(df_games, by = c("GameKey" = "GameKey"))

## Penalty rate on punt plays using `grepl`
df_punts_keep %>% 
  mutate(is_penalty = grepl("PENALTY", PlayDescription)) %>% 
  summarise(p_rate = mean(is_penalty))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   p_rate
##    <dbl>
## 1  0.138
df_punts_keep %>% 
  filter(Season >= 2001) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Season, fill = KickoffResult)) + 
  geom_bar(position = "fill") + 
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, "Rate") + 
  labs(title = "Punt outcomes over time")

Other charts of interest

Examples from league office

  1. Tyler Lockett funnel plot

  1. Maps

  1. Team logos with ggimage: link

  1. Competition committee work: resampling plays to estimate overtime outcomes

What can we do with Next Gen Stats?

General processes for NGS data

  1. Start small. Identify play-type of interest and find 5-10 examples using playId/gameId
  2. Scrape data using https://docs.ngs.nfl.com and personal credentials
  3. Build animation/summary metrics within the sample of plays
  4. Re-center data using playDirection
  5. Re-orgin data using location where (player/ball) started
  6. Cross-check with video
  7. Expand across larger sample of plays
  8. Sample large sample of plays to cross-check for accuracy

Play animation

file_tracking <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nfl-football-ops/Big-Data-Bowl/master/Data/tracking_gameId_2017090700.csv"
tracking_example <- read_csv(file_tracking)

file_game <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nfl-football-ops/Big-Data-Bowl/master/Data/games.csv"
games_sum <- read_csv(file_game) 

file_plays <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nfl-football-ops/Big-Data-Bowl/master/Data/plays.csv"
plays_sum <- read_csv(file_plays) 

tracking_example_merged <- tracking_example %>% inner_join(games_sum) %>% inner_join(plays_sum) 

example_play <- tracking_example_merged %>% filter(playId == 938)
example_play %>% select(playDescription) %>% slice(1)


## General field boundaries
xmin <- 0
xmax <- 160/3
hash.right <- 38.35
hash.left <- 12
hash.width <- 3.3

## Specific boundaries for a given play
ymin <- max(round(min(example_play$x, na.rm = TRUE) - 10, -1), 0)
ymax <- min(round(max(example_play$x, na.rm = TRUE) + 10, -1), 120)
df_hash <- expand.grid(x = c(0, 23.36667, 29.96667, xmax), y = (10:110))
df_hash <- df_hash %>% filter(!(floor(y %% 5) == 0))
df_hash <- df_hash %>% filter(y < ymax, y > ymin)

animate_play <- ggplot() +
  scale_size_manual(values = c(6, 4, 6), guide = FALSE) + 
  scale_shape_manual(values = c(21, 16, 21), guide = FALSE) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#e31837", "#654321", "#002244"), guide = FALSE) + 
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("black", "#654321", "#c60c30"), guide = FALSE) + 
  annotate("text", x = df_hash$x[df_hash$x < 55/2], 
           y = df_hash$y[df_hash$x < 55/2], label = "_", hjust = 0, vjust = -0.2) + 
  annotate("text", x = df_hash$x[df_hash$x > 55/2], 
           y = df_hash$y[df_hash$x > 55/2], label = "_", hjust = 1, vjust = -0.2) + 
  annotate("segment", x = xmin, 
           y = seq(max(10, ymin), min(ymax, 110), by = 5), 
           xend =  xmax, 
           yend = seq(max(10, ymin), min(ymax, 110), by = 5)) + 
  annotate("text", x = rep(hash.left, 11), y = seq(10, 110, by = 10), 
                    label = c("G   ", seq(10, 50, by = 10), rev(seq(10, 40, by = 10)), "   G"), 
                    angle = 270, size = 4) + 
  annotate("text", x = rep((xmax - hash.left), 11), y = seq(10, 110, by = 10), 
           label = c("   G", seq(10, 50, by = 10), rev(seq(10, 40, by = 10)), "G   "), 
           angle = 90, size = 4) + 
  annotate("segment", x = c(xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax), 
           y = c(ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin), 
           xend = c(xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin), 
           yend = c(ymax, ymax, ymin, ymin), colour = "black") + 
  geom_point(data = example_play, aes(x = (xmax-y), y = x, shape = team,
                                 fill = team, group = nflId, size = team, colour = team), alpha = 0.7) + 
  geom_text(data = example_play, aes(x = (xmax-y), y = x, label = jerseyNumber), colour = "white", 
            vjust = 0.36, size = 3.5) + 
  ylim(ymin, ymax) + 
  coord_fixed() +  
  theme_nothing() + 
  transition_time(frame.id)  +
  ease_aes('linear') + 

## Ensure timing of play matches 10 frames-per-second
play.length.ex <- length(unique(example.play$frame.id))
#animate(animate.play, fps = 10, nframe = play.length.ex)

Win probability

Spray charts/qb paths

RB locations

Big Data Bowl


  1. Football Ops website with rules and winners: https://operations.nfl.com/the-game/big-data-bowl/

  2. (Static) Github page that hosted the data: https://github.com/nfl-football-ops/Big-Data-Bowl

  3. Forthcoming link: each submission, linked with participants and select resumes
